Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Quips, Quotes and Tweets – 9/8/2010

Anti-Jewish Hatred From The Folks Who Call The Tea Party Racist:
  The progressive world is usually very quick to place the "bigot" label on people. The people who opposed the ground zero mosque are Islamophobes, critics of the President are doing so because Obama partially of African descent. It is interesting that some of the same progressive media which tries to brand the tea party movement as racist spews bigoted venom against Jews.
  What makes the hatred of these sites so hypocritical is are usually the first to label any criticism of President Obama as racial hatred. Some progressives under the umbrella of George Soros' Media Matters have even created a website to track  the non-existent racist hatred coming from the Tea Party movement. Maybe before they look to find hatred that doesn't exist from the Tea Party movement, they should look to clean up their own house. Read more…

I, Market Economy - Friedrich Hayek did the heavy lifting on this point...: According to progressives, the financial crisis discredited "market fundamentalism" and created a burning need for a more cooperative society where "we're all in it together." It's an ancient argument, with many noble intentions behind it. But it rests on a misunderstanding of one simple, astounding, irrefutable fact. The market economy is cooperative, and more successfully so than any alternative system ever conceived of, never mind put into practice. Admittedly it doesn't feel that way, which is why everyone wants to find a better replacement for it. But they never will, for the same reason no one can make a pencil. Read it all…

CRONYISM Watch! Entrepreneurs Under Attack: Every day, federal, state and local governments stifle small businesses to privilege well-connected incumbent companies. It's a system of protectionism for influential insiders who don't want competition. Every locality has its share of business moguls who are cozy with politicians. Together, they use the power of government to keep competition down and prices high. … The Institute for Justice, a libertarian public-interest law firm, works to free entrepreneurs from such opportunity-killing regulations. Here are four cases from IJ's files. Read more…

Neglecting Allies and Appeasing Foes:
  In yesterday’s New York Times, International Herald Tribune columnist Roger Cohen reported: “Since taking office, President Obama has reached out to the Muslim world as a whole, to China, to Turkey and to Iran, but has devoted scant serious diplomatic energy to Europe.” Cohen then went on to quote prominent Paris-based defense analyst Camille Grand: “Europe is the object of benign U.S. neglect. Obama has not established or re-established a strategic relationship with any single European country or with Europe as a whole.”
  This analysis is dead on. In their report released last week, Defining the Obama Doctrine, Its Pitfalls, and How to Avoid Them, Drs. Kim Holmes and James Carafano detail just some of President Obama’s practice of extending an open hand to enemies while rebuffing friends and close allies, including: not welcoming the Dalai Lama to the White House when that dignitary made his first visit to Washington after Obama took office; reversing years of U.S. policy by supporting Argentina over the U.K. on the Falklands; caving to Russia by abandoning our missile defense plans with the Czech Republic and Poland; and backing a Hugo Chavez ally in Honduras.

"It is not the business of government to make men virtuous or religious, or to preserve the fool from the consequences of his own folly. Government should be repressive no further than is necessary to secure liberty by protecting the equal rights of each from aggression on the part of others, and the moment governmental prohibitions extend beyond this line they are in danger of defeating the very ends they are intended to serve." -- Henry George

Happiness is a great love and much serving.” Olive Schreiner 

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