Wednesday, September 8, 2010

“Newsweak Man of the Year”, “The Good Guys” and “Stimuless” – Cartoons

from hopenchangecartoons:
  Newsweek Magazine has had a tough time during these strange days of Hope n' Change. They haven't made a profit since 2007 (though they helped make a president in 2008), their subscriptions have plummeted, and the entire Newsweek corporation was recently sold for one dollar.
  Now, in a desperate bid to build readership (and perhaps get their dollar back), Newsweek has issued a bold cover story that labels Barack Obama a "Terrorist-coddling, Warmongering, Wallstreet-loving, Socialistic, Godless, Muslim president." Wow! They sure aren't pulling any punches!
  Of course, like most Americans we don't subscribe to Newsweek, and we're sure as heck not going to shell out $5.95 for an issue on the newsstand now that we know we should be able to buy 5 or 6 major corporations for the same money.
  So we may never know exactly why Newsweek is calling Barack Obama a terrorist-coddling, warmongering, wallstreet-loving, socialistic, godless, muslim president...but we appreciate the fact that they've brought it to the attention of millions of people in checkout lines across our nation.



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