Wednesday, January 26, 2011

REGULATION Watch! Making the SOTU a DOTU was brilliant misdirection!

By John Sykes

We need to face this now! Obama’s State Of The Union was a masterpiece of misdirection, a rehash of his same old statist themes, designed to once again take our eyes off of what he is doing and just listen to what he is saying. He can easily enough bury us in regulations, in a bureaucratic swamp so deep that no one will be able to get out of the muck – and he’s doing it while our politicians keep their Date Of The Union.

From Regulations and Rhetoric: “Consider that the president's enacted health care and financial laws, by themselves, rigorously increase regulation over 25 percent and 30 percent of the entire economy. Health care now embraces about 17 percent of the economy, while finance is about 10 percent. So that by those two laws alone, the health and finance industries will be subjected to years of new regulatory oppression. In fact, it will take years just to promulgate and bring into enforcement those new regulations.”

Kumbaya anyone?

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