Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Quips, Quotes and Tweets – 1/19/11

How to Freeze the Debt Ceiling Without Risking Default from Pat Toomey: Next year, the government will have 10 times more income than it needs to honor its interest obligations. [ This is a must-read for those of us who want to attack our fiscal problems head-on and now!Yes. We can freeze the debt and still reassure our debtors by making their priorities first. – JS ]

According to a new CNN poll, more Americans (50 percent) favor a full repeal of Obamacare than those who want to keep the law (40 percent).

Regulation Watch! A False Truce in Obama’s War on Business! [ This backs up and expands on my post of yesterday: Regulatory Misdirection – Again, watch what BHO does, not what he says or writes! And The WSJ chimed in with Obama's Rules Revelation advising “The rest of us should stay in a Missouri state of mind.” ]             

“The true test of character is not how much we know how to do, but how we behave when we don’t know what to do.” ~ John Holt

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