Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Read this slur on Allen West and all our warriors!

Sam Fields, a sorely misguided liberal operative, posted the quoted guest article shown below at browardbeat.com! He makes it abundantly clear what he thinks of our warriors along with a racial/redneck slur. Here it is:

At some point during his campaign someone has to ask Allen West,  Republican candidate for Congress: “Are you now or have you ever been a member of the Communist Party?”

While he might deny party membership, he would have difficulty disputing that his 22-years Army stint was living the Marxist dream.

West –  the retired Army lietuenant colonel running the second time  for Congress in U. S. House District 22 –  never had to spend a day worrying about corporate bankruptcy, competition, layoffs or a bounced paycheck. Housing, healthcare and food were taken care of by the government.

I am not suggesting the Army should be any other way or that risking your life does not justify this economic security.

What I am saying is that West is hypocritical to question national health insurance, while having taken advantage of a VA healthcare system where everything is owned by the government and everyone works for the government.

It’s absurd to claim to be a spokesman for free enterprise when you choose a professional career of living off the government teat and are now trying to get another “gummint” job.

West is a hypocrite.

Shame on you, Fields!

This is an disgusting insult to anyone who ever wore or wears this country's uniform. 233 years of history and many 100,000s of lives have proven that freedom isn't free. Fortunately, our warriors could not and would not choose who they were protecting. They did it, most often with honor and bravery, qualities sadly lacking in the hypocrite who wrote this article.

Allen West is exactly what we need serving us in Washington, a duty that will pale in the light of some of the things he has learned and done in the service of this country.

I hope you’ll pass this on to all those who care about our Veterans and ask that they pass it on.

Semper Fi!


  1. Who better to tell us that government run health care DOES NOT work than someone that has spent more than 20 years as a consumer of government run health care.

    Only a thoughtless idiot would write something like this.

  2. @Sam Fields, did you just say, referring to Col. West, "While he might deny party membership, he would have difficulty disputing that his 22-years Army stint was living the Marxist dream."? You suggested our American Military veterans live the Marxist dream by virtue of EARNING benefits? SHAME ON YOU! This crosses the line and is just disgusting. Military Veterans EARNED every bit of those benefits. SHAME ON YOU SAM FIELDS. When I see your name on an article in the future I shall pass it by knowing you are likely spewing more OUTRAGEOUS criticisms at our American Veterans. YOUR COMMENTS ARE OFFENSIVE AND APPALLING, but you are free to write them because our Military Veterans secured those rights for you. You are free to write them and I am free to ignore you in the future.

  3. What the idiot Fields doesn't understand is it is the governments constitutional duty to take care of its warriors.

    Also, if the military is truly Marxist then why do these filthy traitors like Fields always trashing them?

    2 reasons: 1.) They're traiors. 2.)Our military is to uphold and defend the Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic i.e. terrorists and people like Fields.

    Bayonets, Lt. Col. West!

    Semper Fi

  4. While in service to this Nation I averaged a 90 hour work week. This was not including combat for which there were no "off hours". I "neglected" my family due to deployments and missions. While in the military hospital recovering from wounds, I made my rack "bed" and cleaned up around my area. Due to deployments and trying to manage bills from half a world away, my credit was adversely impacted. Due to inaction by Congress supplies, equipment and sometimes even pay was delayed. We daily put our lives on the line with equipment procured from the low bidder. Staying in the service is not easy from the moving, the physical training, the constant lines, the abuse from civilians when we finally did make it back to American soil. Service men and women are all heroes and anyone who compares them to marxists is a: stupid, b: a fool, and c: a traitor.

  5. Clearly, 'Sam Fields' is just an ignorant soul who uses the usual twisted liberal logic to try to denigrate an honorable profession.

    He's just another loser who thinks he is spouting clever logic, and who's intelligence and knowledge peaked in 5th grade.

    He is so ignorant that he thinks that a person gets a free ride in the military. Just join-up, and all expenses are paid for life.

    I was in the military, and all I received was a paycheck that amounted to less than $2.00/hr; (at 24/7 that is way less than a dollar an hour), and I paid for my own food, and housing, and clothing, etc. So where does he get-off saying that everything was given to West ?

    West paid his own way, just as any civilian must pay their own way. That's not communism and Marxism; that's called personal responsibility.

    Sure, health care was provided, just as with every civilian job I've ever had. Am I living the communist dream because I have health care ?

    Sam needs to do some homework, and at least get his basic facts straight before he tries to dazzle us with his profound wisdom and intelligence.

    If I could ask Sam a question it would be: What would he want to be paid in order to risk his life on a daily basis, year after year ? My guess is that it is a lot more than Allen West ever received, including health care benefits.

  6. I remember a Sam Fields who ran for local political office, maybe an attorney, who himself was involved in some imbroglio whereby his honesty was challenged and he lost his license to practice law... could this be the same guy?
