Thursday, March 18, 2010

Quick Quips – 3/18/10

On the road to Demon Pass, BHO revealed his primary weakness .. a tendency to dodge, obfuscate and mislead!: The most revealing and important broadcast interview of Barack Obama ever.

Deem-and-Pass: Is Passing the Health Care Bill Really a Bad Idea? “Are you kidding me? Is this what the Revolutionary War was fought for? Is this what the boys on Normandy beach were trying to defend? Is this where we thought we would end up when Obama was speaking so beautifully in Iowa or promising to put away childish things?” David Brooks

Coburn Promises to Hold Future Nominations of Ex-House Democrats - will torpedo any patronage promises!

Rep. Mike Pence: "A minority in congress plus the American people equals a majority … America, we can win this fight": As we move forward, and more come to reject the Unicorn and Pixie dust style of governance ever embraced by the Democrat Party, we will see clearly their frustration. We will see it as they abuse their constituents. We will see it as they abuse their own caucus. And most of all, we will see it in the disregard they show for the Constitution…

Via Over half of the Americans who gain health insurance through the Senate bill will not be able to get their drugs from Washington state Walgreens, since they announced yesterday that as of April 16th they will not accept any new Medicaid patients.

The Sestak Scandal: This Is “Draining The Swamp?” by Howard Rich at
In addition to promising an end to Republicans’ out-of-control spending, Democrats vowed to “drain the swamp” of corruption in Washington D.C. prior to winning their Congressional majorities in 2006. Of course that was just an entrée for the real “hope and change” to come, as Barack Obama stormed to victory in the presidential election two years later promising to “change Washington” – and cut taxes for a majority of Americans.
  In both cases, Democrats positioned themselves to the right of Republicans on fiscal issues – which obviously wasn’t very hard to do given the GOP’s record of excess – and then hammered away relentlessly on Republican corruption. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, for example, blasted a “seriously ethical and possibly criminal streak” in the GOP.
  “An ethical cloud hangs over the Capitol,” Pelosi said in 2005. “This culture of corruption must stop.”
  Yet now - just over a year into Obama’s first term (and over three years since the Democratic takeover of Congress), has that “culture of corruption” stopped?
  Of course not. In fact, both fiscally and ethically, things have only grown more putrid in the Washington D.C. “swamp” that Democrats promised to drain. Read more…

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