Thursday, September 16, 2010

“Veto Early and Veto Often”, “You Must Have Standing” and “You Don’t Need Them” – Cartoons

frpom hopenchangecartoons:
  In Washington, "spin" is the art of presenting information in a way that is heavily biased in your own favor or reinterpreting events (and even facts) to change the perception of reality. And like the "spin" on a wild carnival ride, it can also make you dizzy and throw up.
  It is this latter definition that comes to mind in association with a recent Whitehouse statement that says if Democrats lose the House in November, Republicans are planning on "simply shutting the government down altogether."
  And how would this happen? The Republicans would pass spending bills "that Obama is likely to veto, and Republicans would not be able to override such a veto, creating a standoff that could cause Congress to grind to a halt."
  And that's the Republicans' fault...?
  The Whitehouse statement then goes on to repeatedly lambast Republicans as "partisans" without seeming to care that they've just gone on record as saying the president will likely veto bills that he knows nothing about, which were passed by the people's elected representatives, only because they were written by Republicans.
  Stop the spin. We want to get off.



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