Thursday, September 16, 2010

Quips, Quotes and Tweets – 9/15/10

A Great Awakening -the long delayed rebirth of participatory democracy! 
  After some years of slumbering comfortably, the American people have awakened and they are hopping mad over what they have discovered was going on while they slept.
  The stunning results of yesterday's primary contests should be frightening not only to the Democrats, but to those Republicans in name only - RINOs - whose actions have been more or less barely indistinguishable from the Democratic party's deranged left wing…
  Despite sneering comments by such GOP luminaries as Karl Rove, rank and file Republicans, and a surprising number of independents and disaffected Democrats are flocking to the Tea Party Banner. And they have enough political common sense to recognize that when Sarah Palin speaks, she speaks for them and for their opinions in plain simple language.
  We are witnessing a long delayed rebirth of participatory democracy where the people speak aloud and their party leadership listens. And those members of the leadership who don't hear their voices will end up in the political graveyard. Read it all here…


How Obama Lies With Statistics > More is less? Really?
Health reform director Nancy-Ann DeParle wrote on the White House blog last week that the same government report indicates spending per insured person will be more than $1,000 lower in 2019 because of the law – some 9 percent below previous projections.
  “The act will make health care more affordable for Americans,” DeParle said.
  But the head of the nonpartisan economic unit at Medicare that produced the original cost report says the White House number “does not provide a meaningful or accurate indication” of the effect of the health care law.
  “The amounts quoted in the White House blog are not meaningful and cannot be used to calculate the change in health expenditures per insured person,” Richard Foster, Medicare’s chief actuary, told The Associated Press.

Governments tend not to solve problems, only to rearrange them.” Ronald Reagan

“The opposite of love is not hate; it is something much worse than that; hate with all its negation and emotion at least takes the other into account; the opposite of love is something much cooler, more pallid, and really much more cruel, the opposite of love is indifference.” William Hague

"It is not the function of the government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the government from falling into error." Robert H. Jackson

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