Tuesday, September 7, 2010

“The Three R’s”, “Burning Sensation” and “How Dumb…”–Cartoons

from creators.com

from hopenchangecartoons:
  In the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," a desperate Richard Dreyfuss is grateful when another witness comes forward to say that he saw the same UFO...but then throws his credibility into the dumper by starting a rant about also having seen Bigfoot.
  Similarly, a Koran-burning church has come forward to remind us that the only thing worse than having adversaries is having complete dumbasses who claim to be on your side.
  The Dove World Outreach church of Gainesville, Florida is holding a 9/11 Koran burning to show that Islam is something they "hate, as it is hateful."
  Of course, the mainstream media has just been aching to find cretins who make no differentiation between terrorists and mainstream Muslims, and so the story has gone worldwide. Which is why there are anti-American riots occurring in places like Afghanistan, where American lives will be put in additional jeopardy.
  Apparently, the dimwits in the Dove World Outreach church don't really understand that by acting out of hatred and ignorance, they give both radical Muslims and mainstream liberals the greatest possible comfort and aid. Moreover, by attacking freedom of religion, they unwittingly undermine their own constitutional protections.
  Hope n' Change doesn't want to be hypocritical; we've got problems with certain aspects of Islam, and we're firmly against the Ground Zero mosque...not because the people involved don't have a right to build it, but because the location and circumstances make it offensive and insensitive. And we also have problems with so-called Christian groups like the Westboro Baptist Church who picket the funerals of American soldiers, saying their deaths are a blood sacrifice for an angry god who "hates fags." We don't know who the hell they worship, but we want no part of Him.
  Whether anti-American terrorists or the Dove World Outreach church, we have no respect for any religious group that defines itself not by how it loves, but by whom they hate.

from townhall.com

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