Thursday, September 16, 2010

Those “D”s and “R”s have become scarlet letters!

By John Sykes

imageElitist Democrats and their lib/prog columnists and pundits are obviously terrified at the sight of the oncoming train carrying We The People, the Tea Party movement. They are, of course, demonizing us, trying to make us all children of the Republican party.

Some Republican know-it-all, cronyism experts and incumbents, are also really, really worried. Having a letter in front of their name is no longer an automatic ticket to wealth and wisdom.Their weak calls for party unity are transparent. They are not calling for adherence to some meaningful principles but for preservation of their sinecures, for a status quo that leaves a bunch of political sharks of all persuasions feeding on We The People. It’s not important to them to represent and, shudder, serve us.

Both sets of bottom-feeders rush to right of their original orientations. Most Democrats are all suddenly moderates who, “in their hearts” really didn’t agree with most Of Obama’s statist efforts and don’t want to be seen within 10 miles of him. Most Republicans are no longer moderates but instant conservatives who say they recognize how the GOP went adrift as they mouth tea party slogans that mean nothing to them.

All these incumbents and their political parties have the same problem. We The People are not about politics but about principles. The more you try to demonize us, call us racists, wing-nuts, radicals, tea baggers, astroturfers, the more you insult us … and the more you bless us and strengthen our numbers.

It’s amazing that our political class still doesn’t get it. We are a movement of conservatives, independents, republicans and some democrats. We are not about one party but, mostly, anti-party. We are about something more important than politics – principles, about something more important than entitlements – personal responsibility, about something more important than statism – freedom of the individual.

Those “D”s and “R”s have become scarlet letters. Right now it might be safest to have an “I” in front of your name but, then again, it also stands for Incumbent. The train is coming….

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