Monday, April 19, 2010

Quick Quips - 4/19/10

DEMSTRUCTION!! Pew Poll says nearly 80 % of USA now lack trust in govt

Two Views in Conflict
by Star Parker:
  The exercise now underway in Washington to reform our financial services sector revisits what we just went through in health care. Take a problem caused by government going where it doesn’t belong and then propose to solve it by doing even more of the same.
  Only politicians could conclude that our lives will be more financially secure if we create things with names like the Financial Stability Oversight Council, the Office of Financial Research, and the Research and Analysis Center.
  These new entities, under the reforms being pushed, would comprise a great command center in which a whole army of newly installed bureaucrats will survey the financial horizon and do pre-emptive strikes on institutions they identify as wobbly.

  ..the issue on which our politics has become centered -- the Obama Democrats' vast expansion of the size and scope of government -- is really not just about economics. It is really a battle about culture, a battle between the culture of dependence and the culture of independence....
  Paul Lazarsfeld saw politics as just a matter of dollars and cents. The tea party movement reminds us of what the Founders taught -- that it has a moral dimension, as well. They risked all in the cause of the culture of independence. The polling evidence suggests that most Americans don't want to leave that behind. Read more...

WOW! From the Sun Sentinel? "April Spook Day: National debt scarier than tax bill ..." [ This is an editorial from a newspaper that, in the past, would not publish negative BHO articles. It's about time the lame street media came to their senses. I wonder if people have quit buying their newspapers? - JS ]

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