Thursday, September 9, 2010

Quips, Quotes and Tweets – 9/9/10

Obama‘s father and his view of ’Problems Facing Our Socialism’: Dinesh D’Souza, the new president of The King’s College (alma mater of Blaze writer Jon Seidl), has a provocative article in Forbes entitled simply, “How Obama Thinks.” D’Souza is overflowing with insight and questions. To understand Obama’s mind, we are encouraged to look to the thinking of his father who once wrote an “important article” called “Problems Facing Our Socialism.” The anticolonial thinking of Barack Obama, Sr. is all there.  So too his socialist ambitions.

Obama's "Hope and Change" mantra of the 2008 campaign is now the "Fear and Loathing" strategy: Leading Democrats rolled out their strategy for countering Republicans in the November elections yesterday and it appeared to be equal parts fear and ridicule.
The Clean Energy Future Looks Dim for Light Bulb Workers > and great for China! Washington’s green-economy fantasy is imposing a strange deal on Americans: higher costs and fewer jobs in the U.S. in exchange for a partial offset in employment in China. Why are we paying for that?
Obama’s Desperate Times and Desperate Measures > federally mandated wages for unionized construction workers! Faced with predictions of staggering losses for his party in November’s midterm elections, President Barack Obama today appeared on ABC’s “Good Morning America” and said, “If the election is a referendum on ‘are people satisfied about the economy as it currently is,’ then we’re not going to do well, because I think everybody feels like this economy needs to do better than it’s been doing.” The prospect of that referendum is casting a long shadow over Washington as the President and candidates alike wrestle with America’s frustration over a still-stagnant economy, despite $814 billion in stimulus spending… So what’s President Obama’s solution? Kick into campaign mode and turn to even more destined-to-fail stimulus gimmicks, loaded with increased government spending and higher taxes. Read more…

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