Thursday, September 9, 2010

Caution: Wretched Hive of Villainy Ahead

By Ken McIntyre at The Foundry

imagePredicting the extent of “lame duck” legislative shenanigans that would ensue if one or both houses of Congress changes hands in the Nov. 2 elections became a Washington parlor game during the August recess. But this is serious stuff to anyone who cares about, oh, limited government, rule of law, free markets and individual liberty.

Not content with the damage they’ve already done, liberal lawmakers could really go for broke should they find themselves on the outs come the morning of Nov. 3. One endangered liberal, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, says he’s “committed” to convening a lame-duck session.

When friends of religious liberty gathered today at Heritage, Tom McClusky, senior vice president of Family Research Council’s legislative action arm, FRC Action, presented one parade of potential horribles.

Read it all …

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