Monday, September 20, 2010

“The Old Grey Maher”, “Watch What You Say” and “Right Mind?” – Cartoons

from hopenchangecartoons:
  If liberal elitism has a posterboy, it must be the ever-smug Bill Maher whose combination of arrogance and condescension is matched only by his complete disdain for facts.
  On a recent appearance on CNN's "Larry King Barely Live," Maher asserted that Barack Obama has kept America safer than George Bush because "Obama has been president for 20 months and there have been no attacks. Bush was president for 9 months when we got hit."
  Maher conveniently ignores the Times Square bomber and the Flight 253 "underwear bomber" who would have caused catastrophic destruction if they weren't thwarted by alert civilians. But overlooking the Fort Hood killings seems to indicate that in Maher's elite world, the lives of soldiers don't really count.
  Nor does reality, as Maher extended his rant to say that the Tea Party movement is "extremely racist. I mean it's so funny because the teabaggers, the one thing they hate is black people."
  And to prove it, Maher said that Barack Obama's opponents refer to his Kenyan heritage and "Kenyan, of course, (is) code for nigger."
  It's hard to imagine anyone on the Right using that particular word to describe the president without creating a career-ending media firestorm. But apparently it's okay for Maher to use such language because the liberal establishment knows what's really in his heart.
  As do we.

from Chip Bok: Health insurers are raising their prices in part due to new demands of ObamaCare.  Kathleen Sebelius has threatened them by saying the administration will have zero tolerance for insurance companies that blame rate hikes on the new health order.  She hinted that she would put them out of business. Previously the administration has asked citizens to report to a government web site when they hear something “fishy” on the internet.  Michael Barone calls this Gangster Government.


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