Monday, April 12, 2010

Wall-Nut – 4/12/10

Robert Reich: The Jobs Picture Still Looks Bleak: Many outsourced jobs will never return, and median income will likely continue to fall just like it did during the last so-called recovery. [What this really means is we might never see employment figures or gross wages again like we once had unless something is done soon to lower taxes and spending! – JS]

Burt Folsom and Anita Folsom: Did FDR End the Depression?: The economy took off after the postwar Congress cut taxes. [Nor did WWII! which created primarily artificial jobs – and a whole lot of deaths! – JS ]

Greece's Debt Lessons: New York, California and Washington are on the same path.  [Or New Yorkornia, California, or Washingtornia – JS]

Poland's Resilience: A lesson in the stabilizing benefits of democracy. [Our hearts and prayers go out to the Polish people for their awful plane crash losses – JS]

Fewer Students, More Teachers: Even as enrollment falls, school districts keep hiring. [The facts here are incredible and illustrate succinctly how an entitlement society continually expands it’s reach – JS]

O'Grady: Ecuador's Chávez: Another Latin dictator gets a pass from the Obama administration. [APPEASEMENT Watch! - JS]

Crovitz: The Lesson of the Joking 'Shoe-Bomber' 'Profiling' turns out to have widespread public support. [But, in a fit of “pc”, BHO removes automatic profiling of 14 countries from the process. – JS]

Feulner and Needham: New Fangs for the Conservative 'Beast': The Heritage Foundation's new advocacy organization will pressure congressmen to do what's right. [I am finding out today how to become a part of this which is issue not politician oriented! – JS]

Notable & Quotable: Parsing Palinspeak. [She know what she’s doing when she uses short, declaratives rather than voluminous lame street press and columnist speak. – JS ]

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