Monday, April 12, 2010

Quick Quips – 4/12/10

image Laugh at Huffington's DEMONIZATION of the #2nd Amend.! Rallies Present Open Threat to Rule of Law [ I present this only in the spirit of “know thy enemy”! And laugh at their cowardice in expecting the government to protect them …  Washington didn't use his right to free speech to defeat the British, he shot them! –JS ]

ACTION! Join 1000 Patriots for the fight to reclaim our rights..| Allen West

The ABCs of Repealing ObamaCare - legal, financial, and electoral!  Read more…

VA Open Government Initiative - a really big deal for all veterans & Americans: Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record: VLER will enable Veterans to have a seamless transition from active duty to Veteran with a single file, easily transferred from one agency to another. This major collaboration effort between DoD and VA will also reach out to other partners, including Department of Health and Human Services and private health care organizations. Read more...

National Journal Online - Polling The GOP Wave: To pick up the 40 seats necessary to win the House, the Republicans would need a lead of at least 3 percentage points on the final [generic Congressional] Gallup poll. If their margin grows to 7 or 8 percentage points, Republicans would see something on the order of the 54-seat gain they experienced in 1994….Either way, Democrats are facing a tough year. "If the Republicans gain another 2 or 3 points, that should give them a significant advantage," Franklin writes, "while if the Democrats recoup ONLY 2 or 3 points, they are still looking at significant losses, at least based on the history of the generic ballot and midterm seat change." Read more…

Star Parker: Why I'm Running For Congress:
  …But this year no Democrat representing low income Americans should feel safe peddling the same plantation policies that already have produced our broken schools, broken families, and broken spirits. Now they’re bringing these bankrupt ideas to the whole country…
  Will we resign ourselves to an America where freedom and prosperity are distant memories and where 40% out-of-wedlock births and abortion as birth control are our new social norms?
  I won’t. It’s why I’m stepping into this race. [ We need this admirable woman in office. Period! Please read all of this post here. – JS ]

YES!!! “Give Me Individual Liberty Not Government Dependence”

Florida Senate: Rasmussen shows Marco Rubio leading Charlie Crist 60%-26%. It's a long way to September, but it is increasingly difficult to see how Crist even makes this race competitive.

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