Sunday, April 4, 2010

Quick Quips – 4/4/10

WOW!!! Survey: Four in 10 Tea Party members are Dems or independents! [ This is a must read to better understand the Tea Party – JS ]

White House Denies Charges of Caving to China on Currency after Spectre lets it slip!  [ This might be part of yet another appeasement deal by BHO for support on Iran sanctions. We are going to have a nuke-armed Iran before he ever gets serious about this. I don’t even like to think l about the possible ulterior motives. – JS ]

Faces of the Tea Party: Meet the Activists Behind the Conservative Surge: [ This one is just plain fun - JS ]

No BHO... You're Wrong - There is a difference in the faiths: 
President Obama believes that there is little difference in the faiths that people hold. The basis for this, in his own mind, comes from a lack of conviction to his own belief in his own faith, and therefore the assumption is easily transferred to those of other faiths as well…
  During his time in office, he claims to have replaced participation in a local church with getting little messages sent to him on his blackberry. Evidently God now has an app, and as such can easily fit in his pocket. He still has infamously not found, nor attended a church in the Washington DC area and he is nigh fifteen months into his Presidency…
  And in this week's radio address to the nation, the President did it again. He showed either a lack of sophistication that faiths are all different, or he purposefully intends to make them such, drawing them all into--not the family of God--but the “family of man." Read more…

Note to Doctors: Now I'm "Entitled" To Your Services:
   ..Those “other” human beings are, of course, Medical Doctors, people who invest huge chunks of their time and energy and often delay gratification of their personal lives for a decade or more and frequently incur enormous personal debt just earning the right to practice their craft. And now the U.S. federal government says that “the rest of us” are entitled to a piece of these individuals. In previous generations, the idea of being entitled to the services of another person was called “slavery.” Can we really call this “fairness” today?
  The founders of our great nation recognized that, after a few thousand years of civilization and multiple, painful attempts by governmental leaders to create “fair” societies, the best hope for humankind was to construct a society of freedom, where individuals can freely chose to do business with one-another (or choose not to). This characterization of freedom and “fairness” runs counter to the type of governmental constructs that Barack Obama grew-up with in Indonesia , and bares little resemblance to the world he knew in Chicago , but it is, nonetheless, distinctly American.
  I suspect that President Obama has no interest in this type of freedom and “fairness.” And I’m beginning to believe that Vice President Biden has never contemplated such things. They are both, however, peddling a type of “fairness” that America simply cannot afford.  Read more…

DEMONIZATION watch! Democrats get another GOP office vandalized.

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