Sunday, April 11, 2010

Quick Quips – 4/11/10


Some good advice was given to Tea Party leadership by “Former Hostage” on handling infiltrators: Plants have already happened, just not organized ones. Regardless, perhaps organizers (or attendees) need to have a few signs that say "Liberal Plant, not a REAL TeaPartier" and be on the lookout for these double-secret spies. When one is found, then pull out your signs and stand next to the plant. No violence or physical actions, just isolate and embarrass.

Rep. accuses BHO of deliberately weakening U.S. defense, leading US down a very dangerous path, on purpose.

Facing Up to a SocialSecurity Pension Crisis: Rubio made news by stating the obvious!:
  Asked how the nation might address the projected $17.5 trillion in unfunded Social Security liabilities, Rubio said we should consider two changes for people 10 or more years from retirement. One would raise the retirement age. The other would alter the calculation of benefits: Indexing them to inflation rather than wage increases would substantially reduce the system's unfunded liabilities…
  Synthetic indignation being the first refuge of political featherweights, Crist's campaign announced that he believes Rubio's suggestions are "cruel, unusual and unfair to seniors living on a fixed income." They are indeed unusual, because flinching from the facts of the coming entitlements crisis is the default position of all but a responsible few, such as Wisconsin's Rep. Paul Ryan, who has endorsed Rubio. What is ultimately cruel is Crist's unserious pretense that America faces only palatable choices, and that improvident promises can be fully funded with money currently lost to waste and fraud…
  The 38-year-old Rubio's responsible answer to a serious question gives the nation a glimpse of a rarity -- a brave approach to the welfare state's inevitable politics of gerontocracy. Read more…

Tea Anyone?
  It's been almost a year since America's Tea Party protesters first gathered to voice their opposition to Washington's profligate ways.  What began as a loosely organized campaign against government spending has evolved into a highly motivated, highly organized, politically potent movement determined to restore American government to its proper constitutional sphere…
  Would it be too much to hope that the Tea Party movement might give rise to a new generation of true American statesmen, in contrast to the self-serving, power-hungry charlatans currently running our government?  If so, whether under the banner of a new party or leading a charge to reform the existing ones, here's hoping many such revolutionaries come, and come soon. Read more…

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