Thursday, April 1, 2010

Principled Politics – South Florida – 4/1/10

Featuring South Florida’s candidates and organizations who have the courage to put “principles over politics”! Events, links, thoughts and more

TEA PARTIES Tea Party Fort Lauderdale

#TEAPARTY: Take the pledge! Five process commitments that could make a difference this Fall!
Tea Partiers Embrace Liberty, Not Big Government - The Founders vs. the Progressives
Our last poll asking TeaPartiers to declare their political allegiance showed: Independent 29% Republican: 69% Democrat: 1% . Because the readers of this blog and my tweets are primarily conservative, I suspect that Independent and Democrat voters would have had even higher percentages if the cross section were more complete. So much for the myth that the Tea Parties are just a bunch of raving Republicans!
Rival Rallies Reveal Stark Right/Left Divide - Review the images to choose your side. [Come to the link above and you see the same contrasts between those in the Tea Party and those in the cars flashing their single digit salutes!]

ALLEN WEST: twitter | website | events

Conservatives 4 Palin want you to Meet Allen West!
Send Klein, Pelosi, Frank, DCCC, and their liberal friends a strong message!
Southern Political Report says to watch Allen West
Yesss! Sarah Palin has endorsed Allen West in "American Heroes Ready and Willing to Serve in Congress"
Allen West: Read Ron Klein thinks you are the "extremist fringe". What do you think?
Videos Parts 1,2,3, from Sat.'s speech which was wide ranging and, as always, powerful. Particularly interesting was his support for and warnings to the Tea Party movement: | |
Orlando Sentinel: Allen West coming to town with Sean Hannity April 13.

BRIAN REILLY: twitter | website

I hope all the patriots are ready to go for the Spring Recess of Congress - How many Reps will be scheduling townhalls & will you be there?
CALL OUT THE TROOPS! Sheeeeeeeeees coming ......
The link contains details on a Town Hall Meeting that Debbie Wasserman-Schultz will be holding at 7:30pm on Monday, April 5th, at Fort Lauderdale City Hall! This may be the only time she will ever face us again if we can turn out enough people! REMEMBER in NOVEMBER: Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is having a townhall on 4/5 - Who will be there to ?? #healthcare?
Brian Reilly for Congress Florida's 20th Congressional District ...
Key Issues presented by Brian Reilly for Congress Florida's 20th Congressional District Conservative Candidate for 2010.

MARCO RUBIO: twitter | website

Unbelievable that this is from the Sun-Sentinel: America can't prosper if its leaders don't believe in free enterprise: At a political event last week, I saw firsthand the reason for the meteoric rise of Marco Rubio. His talk revealed why many Floridians are scared about our ...
Happy Passover
Capital Soup: Marco Rubio for U.S. Senate: Verdict ... Charlie avoided debating Marco for almost year – and now we know why! This morning's debate was a clear victory for Marco Rubio as he showed why he is the only candidate in this Senate race that can be trusted to go to Washington, ...
Don't rely on one poll! Averages for 2010 FL Senate @marcorubio primary show Rubio +29% over Crist!

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