Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Quick Quips - 3/3/10

SHAME! If You Can't Beat 'Em, Bribe 'Em: Obama Now Trading Judgeships For Votes

Who's been more hypocritical? BHO on reconciliation? Or Congress on Pay-go?

From, BHO's 4 GOP ObamaCare priorities are a shameful bipartisan sham with no promise of actual inclusion! 
  …The White House has not yet released any legislative language for any of these “policy priorities.” In fact, his letter does not even promise that whatever legislation the White House does eventually offer will contain language on each of these issues. He only says he is “exploring” the issues. This is beyond a sham of bipartisanship. Details matter. The American people must be allowed to see real legislative language and they must be allowed the time to read and comment on it before any votes are taken.
  Most importantly, simply adding so-called conservative ideas to the bill does not change the fundamental direction of the proposal. The bills before Congress, including the President’s new additions, would still result in a massive shift of power over health care financing and delivery of care to Washington politicians and bureaucrats. The public has spoken, and it does not want a federal take over of health care.

A Coffee Party Obamanation from
[ Founder is a partisan fraud & ex-NYT reporter!  - JS]
  Courtesy of the Legal Insurrection blog, we learn that Coffee Party founder Annabel Park is both a former employee of the New York Times, and an outspoken Obama supporter.
  If those two facts weren't enough to cause a reasonable person to doubt the good faith of her expressed desire to "reach out" to those in the tea party movement, perhaps her previous twitter references to them as "teabaggers" would be sufficient.

URGENT FLORIDA ALERT: ACT NOW -- Bill to STOP Adoption Gun Registration Up Thursday!

GOOD RIDDANCE ....! Rangel Will Take 'Leave Of Absence' From Ways And Means Chairmanship

Vilified for following BHO's pay-as-you-go rules, this has been Jim Bunning's Finest Hour!

BHO gets a high-tech virtual colonoscopy but Medicare won't pay for yours!

Warren Buffett called ObamaCare "2,000 pages of . . . nonsense," adding, "The problem is incentives." from The President vs. Health-Care Reform in the WSJ:
  Unnoticed at the summit was a diatribe in which President Obama showed he has no patience for any kind of health-care reform that most Republicans, most economists and many non-ultra left Democrats believe in—namely the kind that corrects the incentives that inflate costs…
  Mr. Obama says he's content to be a single-term president. The soonest, then, we can hope for real progress on health care is three years. Read more…

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