Monday, March 15, 2010

Quick Quips – 3/15/10

Folks! If you are pro limited government, free enterprise, personal responsibility, and freedom, act now against ObamaCare!

The Brian Reilly Factor in FL-20 > He's running for all the right reasons! Wasserman-Schultz really, really needs to come home and face the electorate that she has failed so badly!

WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT IT WILL COST, Budget Committee Rubber Stamps "Shell" Health Care Bill! This disgusting process has begun with the committee actually passing on a bill that was prepared before Oct 15th, 2009. When passed, it will have everything removed from it and new guts added back in. So they are recommending a bill that will be emptied and that has no projectable/scorable costs yet.

ACTION NEEDED!!! Please flood these 4 Dems offices with phone calls, faxes, and email re ObamaCare!

EUPHEMISM Watch > BHO's "State-specific arrangements" = Bribes applicable to more than one state!

AMERICA NEEDS YOUR HELP NOW! Please use this list to call your Congressman now & stop ObamaCare!

ALERT!! 2300-page reconciliation ObamaCare bill includes the PUBLIC OPTION!

They fought for us! Now vote for them! Combat Veterans For Congress | Electing Fiscal Conservatives! Allen West is one of them! 

UNBELIEVEABLE!! Obama Now OK With Sweetheart Deals As Long As Multiple States Are Bribed!

Via Minutes before midnight on Sunday, House Democrats released a 2,309 “reconciliation” bill that the Budget Committee will pass early this week. The bill is a replica of the bill reported to Ways and Means last year, except with a government takeover of the student lending industry tacked on. This entire shell of a bill will be scrapped and replaced with the real reconciliation bill Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is writing behind closed doors.

Another BHO power grab!! He's got our wealth, health, students & more - and now wants our internet without a vote!

With friends like BHO… Obama's Turn Against Israel via The WSJ: Then again, this episode does fit Mr. Obama's foreign policy pattern to date: Our enemies get courted; our friends get the squeeze. It has happened to Poland, the Czech Republic, Honduras and Colombia. Now it's Israel's turn.  Read more…

On Obamacare: Just Say No! via|
  ..the 10-year costs are in reality $2.3 trillion, rather than under a trillion as claimed. It's all been ignored.
  In the one laboratory experiment we have -- Massachusetts, which enacted a state plan similar to what Democrats want for the nation -- premiums are now the highest in nation, and per capital health expenditures are 27 percent higher than the national average.
  Every freedom-loving American patriot that cares about our future should be on the phone today to their senators and congressmen saying "stop." Read more…

"There can be no prescription old enough to supersede the Law of Nature and the grant of God Almighty, who has given to all men a natural right to be free, and they have it ordinarily in their power to make themselves so, if they please." -- James Otis

WOW!! Left wants to domesticate a political white woman married to a black supreme court justice!

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