As Christians our driving mission should be to deliver this [Christian] message of hope to friends, neighbors, strangers and family. When we do we are striking at the root of evil in ways that no Federal legislation, bolted door or counseling program ever could. When we share the gospel we are being used by God, not to reform habits, but to transform hearts.
I'm not saying we avoid conversations that deal with the tough issues of increased security for schools, easy access to counseling and stricter gun control. But, as followers of Jesus, we can strike at the root of evil while others merely hack at leaves.
Let's mourn and pray for those who are hurting so deeply right now. Let's get involved in the schools in our communities and support our local teachers in whatever ways we can. Let's engage the difficult conversations of what we can do to stem the problem of violence in America. Then let's do what only the church can do…let's bring a divine solution to an earthly problem as we strike the root of evil with the good news of Jesus Christ.
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