Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Conservative on Target! 10/31/12

   Blowing Smoke: Dem Turnout, Not Demography is Destiny: Once we dismiss these factors, we are faced with the plain fact that in order for the president to have the kind of advantage that Quinnipiac, PPP and other Obama-leaning polls give him, his party is going to have manufacture more Democrats than they did four years ago.
   Is that possible? Yes it is. But it is also highly unlikely given the fact that 2008 was a cakewalk for Obama against a weaker Republican opponent at a time when the GOP was decidedly unenthusiastic about giving their party another four years in office.
   It is far more reasonable to assume that turnout numbers will give the Democrats only a slight partisan advantage, if they get one at all. While anything can happen in an election so close, the only polls showing the president winning at either the state or national levels require a disproportionate percentage of affiliated Democrats among the likely voters surveyed. That means anything other than a repeat of Obama’s turnout wave in 2008 will ensure Mitt Romney’s election. Unless Messina and Axelrod have a ground game that can work that kind of miracle, all they are doing today is blowing smoke.

Maybe They're Just That Dumb: Obama still hasn’t authored anything much but speeches; speeches which contain nothing new; “not one” new idea, said his friends at the New York Times about his “landmark” energy policies. That’s because his progressive ideology is old fashioned, essentially a relic of the industrial revolution. In every decade since 1950, progressives have been sounding the retreat world wide. Far from ushering in age of hope and change, Obama can be more rightly seen as the last stand of rigid ideologues who think they can make the world conform to their wishes rather than to its nature. It’s explains the progressives’ failures, their inconsistencies and their hysteria.



A Venn Diagram Explaining Obama

The New Global Warming? – It’s Cold Outside!
: The primary greenhouse gases listed in order of their contribution to the effect are: Water vapor, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane. There are others but their concentrations in the atmosphere are so small they don’t contribute much effect. Water vapor and clouds are about 93% of the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide about 5%, nitrous oxide about 0.95% and methane contributes about 0.36%. It’s the combined greenhouse warming from these gases that gives the earth its current average temperature. Making energy from fossil fuels is adding about 3% of the carbon dioxide added to the air each year. From that the total human component of the greenhouse effect is therefore about 3% of the total carbon dioxide component of the greenhouse effect which is 5%. That gives us a value of 0.1% from man made carbon dioxide.”

It cannot be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ! For this very reason peoples of other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and freedom of worship here.” Patrick Henry


Never ever trust a RINO! Chris Christie and Obama Discover Bromance

Cut to the Benghazi Chase! ONLY OBAMA Could Withhold Cross-Border Authority!

ELECTION Shenanigans! Obama's Layoff Bomb - Delaying federally mandated layoff disclosures

SLIMY! Emails show Obama admin used DOE loan money to help Harry Reid’s 2010 campaign

SCARY! Yet Another Fed Power Grab as Obama Executive Order Expands HSA Into State & Local Areas

Hurricane Sandy to Cost $40 Billion… Or, About Half as Much as Obama Blew on Green Energy Boondoggles!

Leno Scoffs: 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell is back' - it’s “Obama’s new policy for questions on Libya”

What Is A Nine Letter Word For What Obama Did To The Heroes Of Benghazi?

Obama Stoops To Kowtow - He bent all us over for Iran!

Sean Hannity on 3 Benghazi Audio Tapes: “I’ve Heard They Are Damning”

SILLY! The New Global Warming? – Us humans are 0.1% responsible!

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