Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Conservative on Target! 10/30/12

Delay the Election? If the Civil War couldn't stop an election, neither should a storm: But the CRS paper is unequivocal on one point: "There is no current constitutional authority residing in the President of the United States, nor the executive branch of Government, to postpone, cancel, or reschedule elections for federal office in the various States." What power there is to do that resides with Congress alone.
   The last time there was any serious question about postponing a Presidential election was in 1864, at the height of the Civil War. About which, said Abraham Lincoln, "if the rebellion could force us to forego, or postpone a national election, it might fairly claim to have already conquered and ruined us." A country that wouldn't surrender its democracy to an insurrection isn't about to surrender it to a storm.

5 Problems With America That Have Given A Mediocrity Like Obama A Chance To Be Reelected:

  1. Cheap Borrowed Money
  2. A Style Over Substance Mentality
  3. A Left-wing Takeover of Colleges, the Media, and Hollywood
  4. Racial Polarization 
  5. Entitlement Culture

"It is easier to find a score of men wise enough to discover the truth than to find one intrepid enough, in the face of opposition, to stand up for it." -- A. A. Hodge


Former Pacific Fleet chief: We need full disclosure on Benghazi — now http://t.co/mRsJ4PBf

Obama Campaign Scrambles & Lies to Discredit Romney's 'Jeep' Ad - Trouble is it's true! http://t.co/W4pdIxnQ

UNTHINKABLE! Obama: UN Election Observers “Immune” to State Laws - Why is Obama pushing this? http://t.co/Jrd1y2PH

**GALLUP SHOCK** Romney Up 52-45% Among Early Voters http://t.co/NjrHCiW7

Please Keep Benghazi In The Public's Eye! RT tweets using hashmarks #Incompetence, #Abandonment or #Treason!

KEEP PRODDING PROGS! Obama's perfect storm - Libya cover-up threatens re-election! http://bit.ly/SdNY0V

The Lord of the Flies Administration - Obama has shown he's not capable of being the adult in the room http://bit.ly/SrI1QA

Why Every Christian Voter (& Any Voter Who Cares) Should Vote for Mitt Romney! http://bit.ly/SpW3lJ

WOW! Humbled U2 frontman and anti-poverty activist Bono realizes the importance of capitalism! http://on.wsj.com/SpBi9L

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