Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Quips, Quotes & Tweets – 1/25/11

From The Heritage Foundation’s State of Denial: According to The New York Times, President Obama's [State of the Union] speech will describe his "five pillars" for ensuring America's competitiveness and economic growth. He must be hoping that the American people already forgot about his first "five pillars" of economic growth that he unveiled at Georgetown University in April 2009. The President's present pillar panel is pretty much the same as the old one. "Deficit reduction" and "investments" in education are completely unchanged. "New Investments in Renewable Energy" has been repackaged to the more centrist-friendly "New Investments in Infrastructure." Out are "New Investments in Health Care" and "New Rules for Wall Street." In are "innovation" and "reforming government." As Charles Krauthammer pointed out almost two years ago, Obama’s rhetoric is a mirror image of President Jimmy Carter’s and his policies are no different either. Tonight's speech is just old school 1970s tax and spend liberalism in sleek new Obama packaging. Read it all here… [ Remember! Watch what our Charlatan-in-Chief does, never ever what he says. - JS ]

from floydreports

"Laws, like sausages, cease to inspire respect in proportion as we know how they are made."
-- John Godfrey Saxe

Make God your GPS today!

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