Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Quips, Quotes and Tweets – 1/26/11

STINKY! The real snow job in D.C.: Obamacare waivers skyrocket to 729:  
  While the Democrats continued to extol Obamacare and the president defended the behemoth law during the Date of the Union, HHS was quietly presiding over a massive Obamacare Waiver-mania explosion.
  When last we examined the growing list, privileged escapees topped 222.
  Now: The list is at 729 [including many unions] — plus 4 states (Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, and Tennessee).

From Losing The Future: So which is it, Mr. President? Is the federal government really just a big venture capital firm where Secretary of Energy Steven Chu picks which electric car firms and solar companies are most deserving of taxpayer “investments”? Does the federal government best ensure economic growth by partnering with General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt and making him czar of the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness? Or is America exceptional because our Founders recognized—and enshrined in the Constitution—that liberty is best protected when the federal government has clear limits? Our country does desperately need to change course to “win the future.” But President Obama’s Progressive big government plans will only make us losers.

From Regulations and Rhetoric: “Consider that the president's enacted health care and financial laws, by themselves, rigorously increase regulation over 25 percent and 30 percent of the entire economy. Health care now embraces about 17 percent of the economy, while finance is about 10 percent. So that by those two laws alone, the health and finance industries will be subjected to years of new regulatory oppression. In fact, it will take years just to promulgate and bring into enforcement those new regulations.”

We need to face this now! Obama’s SOTU was a masterpiece of misdirection, a rehash of his same old statist themes, designed to once again take our eyes off of what he is doing and just listen to what he is saying. He can easily enough bury us in regulations, in a bureaucratic swamp so deep that no one will be able to get out of the muck – and he’s doing it while our politicians date each other.

Today’s idiotic Miami Herald headline says “Obama puts his money on economy”. NOT! It should have read “Obama puts your money on economy”. This is reminiscent of the woman who was asked where the money Obama was pandering with came from. She was sure it came from his "stash".

"[BHO]... gave his report on the state of the union last night. Here's mine: We're in deep trouble."

"If the rest of the country had adopted right-to-carry concealed-handgun provisions in 1992, about 1,500 murders and 4,000 rapes would have been avoided." -- John R. Lott, Jr.

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