Thursday, January 20, 2011

Political Prisoners & Healthy Majority – Cartoons



from hopenchange:
  Although much attention was given to yesterday's Republican vote in the House to repeal Obamacare, another recent vote should be getting Americans' attention... and raising real concerns.
  According to a Reuters poll, nearly two-thirds of U.S. doctors believe that Obamacare will cause patient care to deteriorate significantly within the next few years.
Of course, besides the majority of House Republicans and doctors, Obamacare is also opposed by a majority of Americans, and a majority of states - with some 26 states fighting court battles against the unsupportable costs of Obamacare as well as Washington's unconstitutional "individual mandate" power grab.
  So let's see...that means that a majority of Representatives, doctors, citizens and states are against a plan that raises healthcare costs while lowering the standard of care.
  And oddly enough, we're told that if all the above makes us (heaven forbid) angry... then we're the ones who must be sick.

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