Wednesday, July 28, 2010

What Faith Sees

By Max Lucado

“Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.”  Hebrews 11:11 NIV

imageFaith is trusting what the eye can’t see.
Eyes see the prowling lion. Faith sees Daniel’s angel.
Eyes see storms. Faith sees Noah’s rainbow.
Your eyes see your faults. Your faith sees your Savior.
Your eyes see your guilt. Your faith sees his blood.

“The View”, “Sail Away” and “Pwesident Bawack Obama” - Cartoons

from [ Guess who’s paying for The Golfer-In-Chief to travel to The View? Us! He combined it with a paid-for government trip so that his political campaign got off cheap! – JS ]

from [ The Democrats are praying that Kerry and Rangel will sail away soonest! – JS ]

from hopenchangecartoons:
  As much as Hope n' Change likes to present compelling, thoughtful analyses of current news events and controversies, some things just make us want to blow our freaking brains out. And topping that list would be Barack Obama's upcoming appearance on The View this Thursday.
  The program, which is the least logical and most screechy liberal lovefest on television, will make Barack Obama welcome by offering him unbridled praise interspersed with softball questions. And Obama will feel right at home with the all-female panel, as he has yet to demonstrate that he has even trace amounts of testosterone.
  Because he's taping this all-important show, Barack Obama will not be able to attend the 100th anniversary of the Boy Scouts of America. Of course, this isn't a big problem for him as he doesn't actually like the Boy Scouts, what with their annoying pledges of honor, truthfulness, service to others, and patriotism. No, he'll be much more at home with Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg, kicking America in the nuts, and giggling like a schoolgirl whenever the term "teabagger" comes up.
  It's impressive that Mr. Obama has found time for a gyno-chat show between his many vacations, considering he hasn't found time to address joblessness, consumer confidence, skyrocketing debt, the release of his "let the bomber go" Lockerbie letter, the unauthorized leak of secret military papers, or anything else that a president might be expected to have on his to do list.
  Tune in if you dare. We don't have either the strength or the stomach for it...

Graphical Truth – It’s about those underpaid teachers!

Source:  Bureau of Labor Statistics. (Hat tip to American Thinker!)

This too is true:
Mean hourly earnings in private industry:  $20.18
Mean hourly earning in state and local government:  $25.74


We finally have the transparency Obama promised!

Yes, these periodic rays of hope keep me going! We’re getting the transparency Obama promised us.

In “A Virtuous Filibuster on Free Speech - An affront to the First Amendment” the WSJ printed:

One reality of the U.S. Senate is that a united minority can stop bad legislation, and Republicans did precisely that yesterday in preventing a vote on the blatantly partisan effort to limit the free political speech of some Americans but not of others.

Sometimes this filibuster power can be abused, but yesterday's legislation is the kind it was made for. House and Senate Democrats, egged on by President Obama, want to limit what corporations can spend on political campaigns, while not imposing similar limits on their union friends. Previous campaign finance reforms, however misguided, have at least waited an election cycle to take effect. But Democrats want to give unions a leg up this year, as they scramble to maintain their majorities in the face of rising voter anger against liberal policies.

The vote was 57-41, short of the 60 needed to move ahead, but Majority Leader Harry Reid switched his vote at the last minute to the minority so he can bring up the measure again. (Nevada Republican John Ensign didn't vote.) We hope Republicans stay united and keep defeating this affront to the First Amendment.

Rich Galen in “Out of Touch Out of Mind” says about the Disclose Act: “It helped define a White House which has demonstrated it is woefully out of touch, and may be out of its political mind.”

If you heard the hogwash by Obama and Reid, and that’s all you heard, you would have been sure that this was all a blatant GOP attempt to bury free speech, to protect large corporations, to once again slam the little guy. Fortunately the little guy is now seeing through all of the progressive pandering. Unfortunately, for Obama and the progressives, this is not the transparency Obama says he wanted.

Related cartoons

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“WickiMurdered”, “Breitbart-made-me-do-it”, “Polarizer-In-Chief”, “He promised..”

Our Polarizer-In-Chief is leading us deeper and deeper into statist slavery!

WikiLeaks will get you WikiMurdered > Julian Assange is an irresponsible, traitorous twit! 

Isn't there a more intellectually honest defense of the NAACP and BHO than Breitbart-made-me-do-it?  From Leonard Pitts at The Miami Herald:
  “The NAACP was so desperate to protect itself from Breitbart's narrative that it promptly condemned Sherrod without even checking if the video was legit.
  Team Obama was so desperate to avoid furthering the right wing's ``liberal extremist'' narrative that it sacked Sherrod from the Agriculture Department without asking if she was really the hate monger Breitbart said.” Read more of this intellectual dishonesty…

SWAMP Watch! Deal or not, Rangel won't go to tax prison like the rest of us would! This is truly politics at its worst.

Our Divisive President - He promised post-partisanship > He's played racial politics: Rather than being a unifier, Mr. Obama has divided America on the basis of race, class and partisanship. Moreover, his cynical approach to governance has encouraged his allies to pursue a similar strategy of racially divisive politics on his behalf. Read more…

"What do you think of God?" the teacher asked.  After a pause the young pupil replied, "He's not a think, He's a feel."  Paul Frost  

The redeeming thing about the Sherrod fiasco is that racist demagogic drivel is now more pitiful! 
  Thus, through a confluence of bizarrely unlikely events, the vicious act of falsely accusing people of racism became a laughing stock. It went from being a career killer to a punch line; from villainy to vaudeville; from knife in the back to pie in the face…
  Then Mrs. Sherrod goes on CNN with Anderson Cooper and says she thinks that Andrew Breitbart wants America to return to slavery for the blacks. And that is the last mainstream television seems to want to present of Mrs. Sherrod live and unedited. After dominating the news for the week, the eloquent Mrs. Sherrod is not invited to a single Sunday show.
  And so did the rank cynicism of overplaying the race card turn that dreaded knave into a joker. Read more…

100 Days Later, BHO Still Failing the Gulf: Who is accountable in BHO's administration? Apparently, nobody:  [ This is one of the better 100 day summations of the Obama disaster that hit the Gulf! – JS ]

“This idea that the government has services or goods that they can pass on is a complete farce. Governments have nothing. They can't create anything, they never have. All they can do is steal from one group and give it to another at the destruction of the principles of freedom, and we
ought to challenge that concept." -- Ron Paul