Friday, December 24, 2010

“the hopes and fears of all the years” are met, in the increasingly dark night of America’s soul….

From Alan Sears at Townhall:

Is this the spirit and letter of the law now, in America?

That marriage means nothing …

… that the need to separate faith from citizenship is now so critical that Christians are to be denied any meaningful participation in the electoral process …

… that the freedom to gather with people who share one’s beliefs is forfeit to the political correctness of those beliefs in the eyes of the state …

… that the voice of one’s conscience is no longer valid for the making of life-and-death decisions …

… that religious liberty isn’t worth the paper our Constitution was written on?

That’s the way the legal winds are blowing, in our nation today. So it’s not just the winter cold sending chills along the spines and into the hearts of so many citizens and voters.

In our courtrooms, our law schools, our legal journals and our judges’ chambers – as in that little town of Bethlehem two thousand long years ago – “the hopes and fears of all the years” are met, in the increasingly dark night of America’s soul.

Read it all …

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