Tuesday, September 21, 2010

“Use the Farce”, “Main Stream” and “Rawhide” – Cartoons

from hopenchangecartoons.com
  Once upon a time, candidate Barack Obama was able to make crowds cheer and faint by hitting them with meaningless bon mots like "Hope and Change," "We are the we we've been waiting for," and "You like pie?"
  But now that his party is set to take a drubbing in November, the president is struggling to come up with a new catchphrase to enliven his base. We can easily imagine a Whitehouse meeting in which he demanded "get me the guys who came up with If the gloves don't fit, you must acquit!" And now, after late night brainstorming sessions and focus group testing, they've produced this polished gem: "Guard the Change."
  Obama rolled out the new slogan while addressing the Congressional Black Caucus, whom he referred to as "The conscience of the congress when you're not under ethics investigations."
  The president was encouraging black voters to spread the word at barbershops, beauty shops, and churches (no doubt explaining the president's sudden desire to be seen going to church last Sunday), as well as authorizing radio ads directed at black audiences which explain, slowly and rather patronizingly, "There is an important election in November, and it is called the midterm."
  While the vocabulary lesson is appreciated, we think it's too late for the president to be judged on words alone (as he was last time). Now the voters have his record, and that of the midterm Democrats, to consider.
  And they're going to change his Change.

from creators.com

from creators.com

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