Saturday, September 18, 2010

Quips, Quotes and Tweets – 9/18/10

The Krauthammer-Rove Axis of Disdain can 't seem to put the "Buckley Rule" to rest:
  In making his case for the Buckley Rule, Krauthammer said this during the "FOX News All Stars" discussion on September 15: “I think Senator DeMint is wrong when he says "I'd rather have a party that believes in something and not a party that doesn't." Well, the party he is in in the Senate right now -- the forty Senators believe in something, and it's stopping the Obama agenda.”
  Ironically, the day after Krauthammer spoke, the Senate passed the $30-billion Small Business Jobs Act supported by President Barack Obama by a vote of 61-38. Republican Senators George Voinovich of Ohio and George LeMieux of Florida broke the Republican filibuster and voted for the bill. Up went the deficit. So much for united Republican senators "stopping the Obama agenda." [ It saddens me that two guys who I respect and admire don’t seem to get it. We don’t want more of the same! – JS ]

The Myth of Conservative Vulnerability:
  This week's primary victories of Christine O'Donnell in Delaware and Joe DioGuardi in New York illustrate how the tea party is cleansing the Republican Party and installing true believers over professional politicians. It is a healthy trend that will continue to recreate the Party of Reagan.
  But the conventional media, instead of hailing this trend, warns that conservatives cannot be elected and bemoans the victory of true believers saying that it is equivalent to handing seats to the Democrats and the liberals. This reasoning, which made sense in other times, is badly flawed in today's political climate…
  But these days, social issues are in remission and economic/fiscal problems have, understandably, taken center stage. In this environment, purists of the right have a big advantage because nobody doubts the sincerity with which they embrace the goals of limited government, low taxes and reduced spending. Politicians of all stripes -- including most Democrats -- vow allegiance to them, as does the overwhelming majority of the electorate.
  In this environment, the distinctions of left and right give way to the difference between sincerity and insincerity, leaving the voters to judge. With candidates like Sharron Angle in Nevada or O'Donnell in Delaware or DioGuardia in New York, voters don't have to guess. They know real conservatives when they see them.

A Bullish Tea Party Revolt
  Free-market capitalism is on the comeback trail. That’s one of the key tea-party messages. And make no mistake about it: The free-market power of the tea-party political revolt is totally bullish for stocks and the economy.
  In short, this is a revolution.
  The political elites in both parties don’t get it. Nor do the mainstream media. But the tea-party movement is stopping Obamanomics dead in its tracks. And it will overturn the Keynesian big-government planning effort now in full force in our nation’s capital. The tea parties are Reaganism reincarnate, and then some. Read more …


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