Friday, April 9, 2010

The World in a Nutshell – 4/9/10

Noonan: After the Crash, a Crashing Bore: The men behind the bailout take refuge in impenetrable jargon.

Fouad Ajami: Afghanistan and the Decline of American Power: President Karzai's anti-American shift is a statement about the standing of the Obama administration in the region…The shadow of American power is receding; the rogues are emboldened. The world has a way of calling the bluff of leaders and nations summoned to difficult endeavors. Would that our biggest source of worry in that arc of trouble was the intemperate outburst of our ally in Kabul.

Strassel: The Right Ramps Up: A vast conservative conspiracy? We'll see in November. "There's a giddiness out there that is misplaced." Just how serious Republicans are at harnessing these new third-party efforts will become clear in November.

World Tariff Wars: U.S. protectionism is hurting American exports.

Will Charlie Crist Crack?:Unions pressure Florida's Governor to veto school reform. Because he is losing the primary to Marco Rubio, Charlie the RINO is trying to move back to the center so he’ll probably fold to this.

The Massachusetts Insurance Blackout: Insurers go on strike after Deval Patrick imposes price controls. Lib/progs don’t ever look back which is why they never mentioned this RomneyCare plan which is sinking fast except for its costs which are about to break the state and portends ObamaCare’s future!

Best of the Web Today: Dr. No: A linguistic challenge for ObamaCare opponents. Or how to say “Oops, sorry about that, Gramps!”

Betsy McCaughey: Medical Privacy and ObamaCare: The Supreme Court protects abortion and physician-assisted suicide. Will it let Washington dictate everything else doctors do? You betcha!

Homer Hickam: Coal: The Lifeblood of a Country:The miners who brave danger underground support our way of life. Been there – done that – and don’t ever want to have to do it again. These miners are heroes!

Roger Noriega: Time To Confront the Tehran-Caracas Axis: U.S. sanctions can't work as long as trade between Iran and Venezuela remains robust. Otherwise known as “The Fascist Leaders Stomp”.

See all of today's editorials and op-eds, video interviews and commentary on Opinion Journal.

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