Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wall-Nut - 4/21/10

Son of Sarbox - Republicans can oppose the Dodd bill—and the big banks. [ But the statists won’t like this disruption of what is just another power grab. – JS ]
Man and the Volcano - We can't stop it from erupting, but we can adapt to the danger. [ Statists believe they can always control everything – even Mother Nature. This scares me more than any bomb. – JS ]
The Violence Card - Bill Clinton plays politics with Timothy McVeigh. [ Yet more demonization but somehow he couldn’t work racism into the charges. – JS ]
Thomas Jackson and David Skeel: Bankruptcy Reform Will Limit Bailouts - If Bear Stearns or AIG had been able to keep their derivatives creditors at bay, there would have been much less justification for a taxpayer rescue. [ Is this just more Nanny State regulation? I truly don’t know! – JS ]
Gary Gensler: Clearinghouses Are the Answer - Complex derivatives should be regulated like commodity futures. [ The regulatory juggernaut continues. – JS ]
Frank: Please Tread on Us - The tea partiers' policies would empower Wall Street. [ Incredible – this misguided WSJ writer is trying to find a way to blame Wall Street ills on the demon TEA Party. - JS ]
Best of the Web Today: 'Populism of the Privileged' - The latest laughable attempt to discredit the tea-party movement. [ TEA Partiers are "privileged" because they are successful. – JS ]
See all of today's editorials and op-eds, video interviews and commentary on Opinion Journal.

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