Thursday, April 22, 2010

Quik Quips - 4/22/10

Come November, 'The Fire Next Time'? - by Ross Mackenzie:
How do you know when you're part of a revolutionary movement? A
possible partial answer: When they -- critics, opponents, the nameless
they who seem to rule -- start trying to define you, as opposed to
letting you define yourself
  They -- leftists, Democrats, mainline pressies -- have sought
variously to define teapartiers as racist, fake (faux grass-roots,
"Astro-Turf"), extremist (Nancy Pelosi), irrelevant, and prone to
violence (could Bill Clinton have had tea-partiers in mind when he
recently recalled the horror wrought by Timothy McVeigh?). Comes now
E.J. Dionne, la-de-da columnist for the ever-so-lofty Washington Post,
to describe them as "more affluent and better-educated than Americans as
a whole" -- practitioners of the "populism of the privileged." Read more ...

Gangster Government Becomes a Long-Running Series - Power to the corruptocrats!
  ... Republicans have been accurately attacking the Dodd bill for
authorizing bailouts of big Wall Street firms and giving them unfair
advantages over small competitors. They might want to add that it
authorizes Gangster Government -- the channeling of vast sums from the
politically unprotected to the politically connected
  That can boomerang even against the latter. Goldman Sachs
employees gave nearly $1 million to the Obama campaign and $4.5 million
to Democrats in 2008. That didn't prevent Goldman from being shoved
under the SEC bus.
  Gangster Government may look good to those currently in favor,
but as some of Al Capone's confederates found out, that status is not
permanent, and there is always more room under the bus. Read more...

APPEASEMENT Watch... when Israel is alone ... war becomes more, not less, likely!

WOW! How Washington Is Spending Your $18,276 in Taxes on your $31,406 of govt costs in 2010
  Washington will spend $31,406 per household in 2010 — the highest
level in American history (adjusted for inflation). It will collect
$18,276 per household in taxes. The remaining $13,130 represents this
year's staggering budget deficit per household, which, along with all
prior government debt, will be dumped in the laps of our children.
  Government spending has increased by $5,000 per household since
2008, and nearly $10,000 per household over the past decade. Yet there
is no free lunch: If spending is not reined in, then eventually taxes
must also rise by $10,000 per household.
  Washington will spend this $31,406 per household as follows: Read more...

30 million Americans to see $3,700 tax
increase under proposed Dem
budget plan

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