Monday, April 5, 2010

Quick Quips – 4/5/10

INCREDIBLE: Constitution, Schmonstitution — The Law Is What I Say It Is: You really have to watch this bumbling fool!

Strange New Respect - A drastic shift in the media stereotype of the tea-party movement: ..Tales of tea-party racism could have been calculated to demoralize America's anti-ObamaCare majority by presenting them with an ugly choice: accept the fate the Democrats have imposed upon us, or side with (as the Christian Science Monitor puts it) "neo-Klansmen and knuckle-dragging hillbillies." The strange new respect for the tea-party movement suggests that this approach is too invidiously partisan even for the mainstream media. Consider reading it all here…

When gifts are replaced by rights, so is gratitude replaced by claims. And claims breed resentment: But while charity deals in gifts, justice deals in rights. And when you receive what is yours by right you don't feel grateful. Hence people who receive their education and health care from the state are less inclined to give to schools and hospitals in their turn—something that is borne out vividly by the figures concerning charitable giving. The spirit of gratitude retreats from the social experience, and in countries like France and Germany, where civil society is penetrated at every level by the state, people give little or nothing to charity, and regard gifts with suspicion, as attempts to privatize what should be a matter of public and impartial concern. Please read it all … it’s short.

Anatomy of a SCANDAL: The Curious Case of Joe Sestak's Job Offer - Silence reigns!

How are many liberals explaining why so many Americans are ticked off? Racism & ObamaCare

YES!! Millennial generation was 66/32, now 54/40 for BHO! Why?: a Diminished Sense of Opportunity!

The Road to Serfdom? Is this where we’re headed in America? Be prepared to discuss this:  In the last century, Friederich von Hayek argued that, as the State takes over more and more liberties and responsibilities from its citizens, the citizens, happy to have these “rights” preserved by the State, experience a change of character. They change from being responsible citizens to serfs, dependent on the State and content to remain that way. Is this where we’re headed in America? Some think so. You should be prepared to discuss this question with the people around you, since it’s going to be a current concern for some time. Here are some resources to guide you. [ This is important stuff if you would like to approach the problems of progressivism and statism from a Christian point of view. Read more…]

Hollow Power: How Christians can help reverse the Curse in the realm of government:
  Individual Christians – even those who are not politicians by profession – can help to reverse The Curse in the realm of government. We can begin by publicly repudiating the idea that there are no absolutes in the public square. Concepts like justice are objective and real, understandable to Christian and non-Christian alike. These moral absolutes fill the hollow power of government and give it direction in the same way a hand fills a glove.
  So rather than forcing our views on unwilling fellow citizens through political victory, our goal should be to appeal to the conscience of others and convince them of what justice is on every issue, and that it is in everyone’s best interest. If we succeed in such a “grassroots” effort then public policy will quickly follow suit, as it did in the cases of slavery, women’s suffrage, and racial segregation.
  And more important still, we will have helped reverse The Curse by nudging government back toward its God-given purpose. That’s a vote for change of which we can be proud. Read more…

10 Ways ObamaCare Is a Massive Abortion Funding Bill:  Obama, Pelosi and Reid’s insistence that the health care bill is not about abortion, is not an abortion bill, that the status quo on abortion will not change and that there will be no funding of abortion shows a callous disregard for the truth and open contempt for the public.
Read more…

PROCRASTINATION Watch: BHO looks for time to pass multilateral sanctions on Iran

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