Saturday, April 10, 2010

Quick Quips – 4/10/10

A "pc" security shift: Religious(?) terms like Islamic extremism being removed from US security document!

Victory Lip
  Sen. Max Baucus: “Health reform is ‘an income shift. It is a shift, a leveling, to help lower income, middle income Americans.’” Sen: Baucus, normally seen as a Democratic centrist, let the Marxist cat out of the liberal bag…
  Howard Dean, the former chairman of the Democratic National: “The question is, in a democracy, what is the right balance between those at the top…and those at the bottom? This [health care bill] is a form of redistribution.”
  New York Times columnist David Leonhardt: ObamaCare is “the federal government’s biggest attack on economic inequality since inequality began rising more than three decades ago…”
  Thanks to the passage of the unsustainable ObamaCare bill—and these very revealing comments of Baucus, Dean, and Leonhardt--the geese are hissing louder. You can hear them at every TEA Party. In the ancient Roman Republic, the raucous noise of the sacred geese awakened the watchmen on the wall. They saved the republic then. Maybe they’ll save it now. Read more...   

Tiger, Obama, and the Art of Deception
  If you are a major public figure and are desperate to deceive a majority of the public, the first tool needed to carry out the most effective subterfuge is a complicit, sympathetic, lazy, politically correct, and even corrupt media. With that prerequisite in mind, both Mr. Woods and Mr. Obama are blessed beyond their wildest imaginations…
  Tiger Woods seems to have spun his way back into competition and increased wealth. We have until November of 2012 to see if Mr. Obama can distract, intimidate, belittle, and manipulate the required number of Americans needed to win reelection and finalize the transformation of our Republic. Read more…

Tea Parties targeted for infiltration > Left's fits of neurosis

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