Thursday, April 22, 2010

Wall-Nut - 4/22/10

Henninger: Democrats at the Edge of the Cliff - Democrats are spending trillions at the worst possible moment, with a new poll showing public trust in government at a historic low of 22%. [ Up the creek with an entitlement paddle with the rats deserting the canoe! – JS ]

Richard S. Lindzen: Climate Science In Denial - Global warming alarmists have been discredited, but you wouldn’t know it from the rhetoric this Earth Day. [ BHO has to have his cap tax! – JS ]

On Presidential Rhetoric - Obama's ad hominem method and the politics of polarization. [ More simply, his rhetoric is divisive, belicose, demeaning and smarmy. His speech and stance reek of the schoolyard! – JS ]

New Jersey Rebellion - A school budget revolt at the polls. [ This is one of the better signs that the American public has had enough fiscal suicide. – JS ]

Angels Out of America - How the Dodd bill harms start-ups. [ Interesting – BHO is trying to protect the rich too? Nah. He just wants more statist control. – JS ]

Rove: The GOP and the Politics of Financial Reform - The Dodd bill favors Wall Street over Main Street. [ He can’t get it right on jobs so he wants to create more corruptocrats. – JS ]

Alan S. Blinder: The Two Issues to Watch on Financial Reform - We need an independent consumer watchdog and strong derivatives regulation. Industry lobbyists are trying to water them down. [ I don’t know … – JS ]

Paul H. Rubin: Environmentalism as Religion - While people have worshiped many things, we may be the first to build shrines to garbage. [ Taxes (tithes) anyone? – JS ]

Timothy Geithner and Bill Gates: A New Initiative to Feed the World - Over the last few decades the developed world lost interest in agricultural development. Now's the time for change. [ I wonder how long it will take Gates to realize who is the big dog in this fight. – JS ]

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