Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Rube Goldberg Progressives

By Robert T. Smith at

rubegoldbergexamplea41d9ox Progressives in America are wedded to the Rube Goldberg approach to the running of our economy. Rube Goldberg became famous through his cartoons depicting overly complex systems to accomplish simple tasks.  Rube Goldberg's name has been adopted into the Merriam-Webster dictionary as an adjective used to describe accomplishing by complex means what seemingly could be done simply.  From a scientific perspective, the Progressives who currently inhabit Washington D.C.need a physics lesson to dispel the faulty notion behind their Rube Goldberg economic system and economic perpetual motion machine…

Most recently, the Progressives can't seem to comprehend why our economic system is stalled.  In addition to the ever increasing baseline of government controls, the chaos and uncertainty the Progressives have caused in their attempt to establish additional draconian controls related to carbon regulation and health care, as examples, doesn't register as an impediment to the economy in their minds.  The Progressives gravitate to the Rube Goldberg complex system of stacking on ever more and complex government controls and manipulations of the system, when the simple direct system of free market capitalism lies right before their eyes.  Freedom to produce wealth requires the controls to be removed, relaxed, and/or limited, not increased…

The economic laws of physics cannot be overcome by ever more applying the brakes of controls on the economic system.  The current and planned Progressive additions to the government labyrinth of regulatory and legal controls and controlling agencies, and the Keynesian pump priming stimuli would likely even amuse Rube Goldberg. Read more…

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