Thursday, March 4, 2010

Quick Quips – 3/4/10

Campus chaos: Social justice mobsters attack police, smash windows over tuition hikes > must be tea partiers...

NYT & WaPo willing tools of Coffee Party astroturf scam > Founder a professional BHO political operative!

Obamacare's Kabuki End Game > A clear, understandable must-read on the ObamaCare process.

NANNY Watch! How many government officials does it take to replace ALL your light bulbs? 37,221!!

A Tale of Two Governors - What the fates of Charlie Crist and Rick Perry say about the public mood at the WSJ:
  Mr. Perry's win shows that the way to victory is not to demean and ignore Tea Partiers but to marshal them into a coalition…
  The unifying message is opposition to Mr. Obama's dependency agenda and Washington's grab for more money and power.
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The WH budget office says the deficit this year will be $1.6 trillion. And the press says Bunning is crazy?

Cal Thomas on Losing Our Independence:
  As more Americans, especially the unemployed, come to rely on government to take care of them, we risk losing our independence.
  The Washington Times reports American reliance on government is at an all-time high. This is not our Founders' America. We seem to have declined from a "can-do" spirit, to "can't do" -- at least without government -- and soon, unless we change our ways, "won't do."…
  The more we come to rely on government, the fewer freedoms we will enjoy. Government will start dictating what we can own, eat and drive, how much of our money they will let us keep, how we run our businesses, how many -- if any -- guns we can own, and what we may and may not say. Oh, wait! They are already doing that.
  To preserve freedom we must fight for it. Bondage comes when we refuse to fight and are satisfied with the king's largesse. That foul odor coming from Washington is the frog in the kettle coming to a boil.
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Bowing to Radical Islam - Pompano Beach officials kowtow to muslim radicals and allow 29k sqft mosque!: On February 9, 2010, the Pompano Beach, Florida city commission granted the imam of the Islamic Center of South Florida (ICOSB), Hasan Sabri, the honor of giving the invocation at one of its bi-weekly commission meetings. Given the extremist history of the imam and his mosque, one can only look upon this as a tremendous embarrassment for the city and an ominous sign for the future of its citizens. Read more…

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