Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Quick Quips – 3/2/10

WOWWW! “[F]or the first time since the Great Depression, Americans took more aid from the government than they paid in taxes”

Jim Bunning has guts!! Senate reportedly near deal to end Bunning blockade.

Hmmmm.. Postal service weighs 5-day delivery > How many ObamaCare days-a-week will our hospitals be open?

Newest liberal euphemism: democracy = reconciliation!

Does Reid hate the unemployed? Holding them hostage? Or can't he get the 51 votes to break the Bunning log-jam?

7 DAYS LATER > White House Has No Answer So Far On Sestak Bribe Claim > Gibbs getting a little testy!

5 Ugly Truths Americans Will Have to Face by John Hawkins
1) Entitlements must be cut.
2) Our military is going to weaken. 
3) Taxes are going up.
4) Economic growth is going to stagnate.
5) We will have a world where the United States isn't a super power.

Are these events that "will be" or "may be?" If we depart from the course our nation is on, will "the ends" change for our nation or are we too far gone down the road to serfdom? Sadly, we've run so aggressively towards a socialist oblivion that our country may be on the backside of the mountain and unable to climb back to the top. Time will tell, but after all the privileges we've had growing up as Americans in this great nation, we have a solemn duty to bear whatever we must as a country to pass on the promise, the potential, and the dream of America to future generations. Read more…

Obama vs. the 10th Amendment by Chuck Norris at townhall.com:
  Not surprisingly, a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released last Friday revealed that 56 percent of Americans think the federal government has become so large and powerful that it poses an immediate threat to their rights and freedoms.
  Particularly apropos here is the feds' health care violation of the 10th Amendment, which is part of our Bill of Rights and was ratified Dec. 15, 1791. The amendment says, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."…
  I encourage you to go to TenthAmendmentCenter.com and learn more about your 10th Amendment rights, and then fight for those rights by holding all your representatives accountable to them.
Read more…

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