Saturday, March 20, 2010

Quick Quips – 3/20/10

The 7 modern sins:
politics without principles,
pleasures without conscience,
wealth without work,
knowledge without character,
industry without morality,
science without humanity,
worship without sacrifice.
     -- Canon Frederic Donaldson

Without a large portion of the Stupak pro-life block voting yes, ObamaCare will go down in flames!

The ObamaCare Crossroads - The vote is really about who commands the country's medical resources. [ This editorial is the best to date that what is “ultimately at stake on Sunday is the kind of country America will be’’. It’s a must read! – JS ]

Paging Doctor Kildare - If Obamacare becomes law, about 30 percent of US primary care doctors may quit.

If ObamaCare prevails, it may be a blessing! Progressives will lose their majority in 2010 and the WH in 2012!

Dem Rep. Hastings: “All this talk about rules. When the deal goes down, we make ‘em up as we go along.” Rep. Alcee Hastings was the sixth federal judge in American history to be impeached from office (bribery and perjury). The voters of FL-23 may have elected him afterward, but it was the Democratic party leadership that let him join the Rules Committee.

Sen. Hatch to House Dems: If you Pass it, You Will Have to Vote on it Again: Under the scenario of the bill passing the House, it goes to the Senate for six weeks of a death by a thousand cuts and amendments… Then, the reconciliation bill is sent back to the House for another vote, where, if the House changes the Senate’s work — say, oh, I dunno, because the Senate attached a gun amendment — the health care nightmare starts again for the House.

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