Thursday, March 11, 2010

Quick Quips – 3/11/10

On education, American civil rights should strive for equal opportunity - not equal results!

Nanny State Run Amok!! Hands off my food! Please sign the petition!

Note the silencing of the left's distress with Citizens United v. FEC? Why? Unions were the big winners…

APPEASEMENT Watch! Grovelling with Gadhafi - Once the U.S. abases itself enough, Gadhafi is willing to forgive..

Obama Stimulating a Marxist Revolution Using Taxpayer Money! A Marxist group that has demanded the “destruction” of the U.S. and issued a call "to bring this government down" is the recipient of stimulus funds from the Obama American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). This same group, the Brecht Forum, has also called for the complete takeover of insurance companies and farms in America. Read more…

Republican Collectivism > Are Republicans sounding the alarm about government's present intrusion in health care and its counterproductive effect on quality, affordability and accessibility? Government, they should argue and persuade, grows at the expense of the productive. This eventually weakens the country by sapping the incentive of risk takers. This makes it harder -- not easier -- to help those we claim to care about. A collectivist, whether an active or passive one, is still a collectivist. Having an "R" after the name provides no defense. Read more…

Ann Coulter: What's Arabic for "You're No Atticus Finch"?
  A group of "leading conservative lawyers" -- a phrase never confused with "U.S. Marines" -- has produced an embarrassingly pompous letter denouncing Liz Cheney for demanding the names of attorneys at the Justice Department who formerly represented Guantanamo detainees…
  We only hear paeans to the "American tradition of zealous representation of unpopular clients" when it's being used to defend causes popular with liberals -- serial killers, terrorists and a horny hick who promised to save partial-birth abortion.
  Lawyers want to be congratulated for their courage in defending "unpopular" clients, while taking cases that are utterly noncontroversial in their social circles.
  They'd be scared to death to take the case of an anti-abortion activist. Defending the guy who killed George Tiller the Baby Killer won't make them a superstar at the next ABA convention.
  Not only do Americans have a right to know the legal backgrounds of lawyers setting detainee policy at the Department of Justice, but I personally demand the right not to have to listen to Eddie Haskell lawyers constantly claiming to be Atticus Finch. Read more...

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