Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Quick Quips – 3/10/10

INSANITY!!!! PC Watch! Body scanners to be used in airports, EXCEPT ON MUSLIMS because CAIR objected.

WOW! Kennedy, Massa, Rangel, Conley's wife, Reid, Pelosi, the Chicagoans & more - Are the Democrats imploding?

With friends like Joe Biden... and BHO who has yet to visit, Israel is an omen of this administrations true intentions..

Sean Penn Ultimate Lunacy > if you call Chavez a dictator,  you should go to prison! Previous to this, Penn extended this special wish for his critics: “You know, do I hope that those people die screaming of rectal cancer?

Walter E. Williams: Is Health Care a Right?
  Most politicians, and probably most Americans, see health care as a right. Thus, whether a person has the means to pay for medical services or not, he is nonetheless entitled to them. Let's ask ourselves a few questions about this vision…
  To argue that people have a right that imposes obligations on another is an absurd concept. A better term for new-fangled rights to health care, decent housing and food is wishes. If we called them wishes, I would be in agreement with most other Americans for I, too, wish that everyone had adequate health care, decent housing and nutritious meals. However, if we called them human wishes, instead of human rights, there would be confusion and cognitive dissonance. The average American would cringe at the thought of government punishing one person because he refused to be pressed into making someone else's wish come true.
  None of my argument is to argue against charity. Reaching into one's own pockets to assist his fellow man in need is praiseworthy and laudable. Reaching into someone else's pockets to do so is despicable and deserves condemnation. Read more…

FREEDOM Watch! BHO strategy may prohibit us fishing the nation's oceans, coast, Lakes, and inland waters

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