Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Procuring the Union Agenda - A White House plan would be the Davis-Bacon Act on steroids.

by The Wall Street Journal

In a novel variation on pay to play, the Obama Administration is planning to force companies to raise pay and benefits for workers if they want continued access to federal contracts. Waiting to cash in on the impending Executive Order are unions that would end up with a piece of the government's $500 billion in annual contracts.

The government can't steer contracts directly to the unions. But it can use its authority over how taxpayer money is spent to favor unions and their agenda. This is good news for Andy Stern and his Service Employees International Union. But not so good for job creation.

The proposed Executive Order is being drawn up by Joe Biden's Middle Class Task Force. It would oblige government procurement agencies to give contracts to "responsible contractors" who pay workers well and offer higher health, pension, sick leave and other benefits.  Read more…

[ This is yet another glaring example of how the BHO administration can force it’s nanny state, redistributive policies on the American people with out subjecting itself to pesky democratic institutions like Congress. – JS ]

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