Sunday, March 21, 2010

I am saddened – and emboldened - as we face the entitlement abyss!

My sadness at the passage of ObamaCare is exceeded only by my despair with what has just happened to my country and my daughter. The parasitism of enslaving entitlements will make it very difficult to rise by dint of one’s own efforts! 

It will take enormous courage for future politicians, be they in the majority or not, to reverse this final crescendo of entitlement fervor. Without such courage, we will soon be bankrupt materially, politically and spiritually, destined for a progressive tumble into a statist hell.

I can only hope that this sadness and despair will be dispelled by an overwhelming dedication to the recovery of America's greatness!

I will, as I hope will We The People who have just been deserted by our politicians, man the bulwarks in further defense of American exceptionalism and stem the tide of tyranny – so help me God!

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