Monday, December 28, 2009

Why the Tea-Party Movement Matters: ObamaCare Edition

by Paul A. Rahe at

There is on YouTube an hilarious video, drawn from C-SPAN2, of Max Baucus on the Senate floor denouncing his Republican colleagues and even more emphatically the Republican leadership for squelching attempts at what he piously describes as bipartisan healthcare reform.

The senior Senator from Montana has obviously had a snootful; he is having considerable difficulty in managing the English language; and he is evidently as mad as a wet hen.

I do not blame Baucus – neither for the excessive imbibing nor for being angry. He is now in a pickle. He was the point man for the Democrats’ healthcare initiative in the Senate, and for perfectly predicable reasons his constituents out in Montana are none too happy with him…….

In all of this, there is a moral. For the defense of their interests, the American people have to look to themselves. They cannot look to the Democratic Party, and, over the next few years, they must make sure that Republicans like Grassley and Snowe know what is good for them. If they do, they can turn what tends to be a party of patronage, only marginally less corrupt than the alternative, into a genuine party of principle committed to rolling back the administrative state.

If I may borrow a line from Don Corleone, the Tea-Party Movement must make the Republicans an offer the latter cannot refuse.

As for Max Baucus, the Tea-Partyers in Montana should send him a case of his favorite tipple. He is going to need it. Read more…

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