Monday, December 28, 2009

The Real War Front is At Home

This post really hit home with me. Star Parker at writes:

Christmas 2009 and our nation is still at war.

Afghanistan? Iraq?

Yes, of course, brave young Americans are in those far off lands defending our country. God bless them.

But the war's front is here at home. The war we are having with ourselves.

I don’t want to try to overly simplify or summarize this post of Star’s but offer these quotes:

Now we have turned leadership over to those for whom the issue is not inadequate attention to our moral pillars, but to those for whom they don't exist.

Family and traditional values of personal behavior -- once the moral glue holding us together -- are now mere life style options….

Fortunately, tens upon tens of millions of Americans still know who we are.

And as the proverb says, "The hope of the righteous will be gladness, but the expectation of the wicked will perish."

Please read the rest of this article here..

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