Sunday, November 15, 2009

Principled Politics – 11/15/09

If a conservative decides he needs health care, he pays for it. A liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his.

Austin Hill: Obama Has a "Boundaries" Problem
President George W. Bush repeatedly asserted that Muslims are "peace-loving" people, and President Obama has made this idea a central theme of his presidency. Yet Bush was also willing to confront what he called a "radical ideology with an unalterable objective.

David R. Stokes: The Fertile Crescent
Every time I read, view, or hear the latest attempt to portray Nidal Malik Hasan as a "loner" or "victim of racism" or "psychotic" - or (this may be my favorite) someone suffering from something called "PRE-traumatic stress disorder," I am torn between the desire to scream or laugh.

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