Saturday, November 14, 2009

Principled Politics – 11/14/09

Rasmussen and Schoen: Obama Is Losing Independent Voters 
A number of recent polls show the president would be wise to shift right.

Bill O'Reilly: Terrorism or Tragedy? It's somewhat disconcerting, but the Obama administration continues to dance around the terrorism question. While a new Rasmussen poll shows 60 percent of Americans want the Fort Hood massacre investigated as a terrorist act, the president sees the mass murder as a "tragedy" and a violent crime. Read the rest…..

RINO Watch! I wish this was funny: Chairman Steele Nixes Abortion Coverage for RNC Employees.

ACORN Watch! They helped Congress write the affordable housing rules that got us into trouble.

Just the Facts, Mr. President - Approach Afghanistan with sheer, blunt logic and a clear plan.

'Islamism, or Islam?' 'Islamist or Islamic?' by Andrew G. Bostom
The accepted distinctions between Islam and "Islamism," and the corollary distinctions between Islamic and "Islamist" are not only invalid, but obfuscate important realities the West must confront. More

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