Thursday, November 12, 2009

Principled Politics – 11/12/09

ACTION! Sign the easy CCA petition to stop government takeover of health care and abortion support! #tcot

John Stossel at TownHall: The U.S. House of Presumptuous Meddlers
   As an American, I am embarrassed that the U.S. House of Representatives has 220 members who actually believe the government can successfully centrally plan the medical and insurance industries. ….
   Advocates of government control want you to believe that the serious shortcomings of our medical and insurance system are failures of the free market. But that's impossible because our market is not free. Each state operates a cozy medical and insurance cartel that restricts competition through licensing and keeps prices higher than they would be in a genuine free market. But the planners won't talk about that. After all, if government is the problem in the first place, how can they justify a government takeover?
   Many people are priced out of the medical and insurance markets for one reason: the politicians' refusal to give up power. Allowing them to seize another 16 percent of the economy won't solve our problems.  
   Freedom will. Read more …..

H1N1 Deaths Appear To Triple Overnight - and GovernmentCare will do better than the private sector?

"The majority, oppressing an individual, is guilty of a crime, abuses its strength, and by acting on the law of the strongest breaks up the foundations of society." -- Thomas Jefferson

Marvin Olasky at Morality Without God?
Confirmation of biblical wisdom came earlier this fall from an unlikely source: an Ivy League savant who says it's wrong to depend on the Bible. (As a once “Ivy League savant” I urge you to read this so you can see what I put up with.)

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